So I was a mean teacher! I gave my Algebra 2 students a project over Christmas break. I assigned them the task of creating a 3-dimensional graphing system, using a box and the materials of their choice. I blogged about assigning it before Christmas and now I am posting some pics of some of the final projects as promised!
I have never assigned this before but my students this year were having ALOT of trouble seeing three dimensions. I fully understand how hard it is to see 3-D on a 2-D piece of paper. This was my greatest struggle in Calc 3 in college! Took me all semester to be able to draw washers and cylindrical shells. My goal was that if they drew the system and graphed a line in 3-dimensions, then they would be able to understand it a little more.
Here are some more examples of my students work. I think they turned out fantastic! Especially as they had no model or even internet examples to look at for help.
I'm sure I'm not supposed to have a favorite, but if I can....this one would be it. Maybe because he was the first one to send me a picture over Christmas break. Or maybe because the line actually looks like a plane, with the axis going through the plane, instead of just a triangle. >>>
<<<I love that this student offset the axis to make it easier to build. Showed some smart thinking!
This one is cool because the student has the x/y plane there to help with understanding. >>>>
If you are interested in completing the project you can find it HERE.